19 November 2015

Some rocks and a hot bath

As 2015 races to the end, I'm quickly checking off some things I've wanted to do all year! One of those was taking a trip out to see Stonehenge.

Between Uluru, the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge it's clear people like travelling out to see big rocks. Even if they're shaped and moved by humans, there's still something wonderful about these great rocks and the limitless number of stories humans have made about them.
I walked a lap around the stones!
I took a day trip out of London that included Stonehenge and Bath. Although not the cheapest way to do it, it was great value, especially as I booked the day prior.
It was really interesting to learn all the theories about these famous rocks.
The site around Stonehenge is now well looked-after. There's a small exhibition, which
is quite interesting and the audio guides available also give great insight as you walk around the site.
The cloudy day suited the landscape in fine British harmony!
We then drove over to Bath, which is a beautiful city. All the buildings in the centre are made from the same stones, so they're all the same strangely elegant colour. The Christmas lights were up around the streets, which looked gorgeous as the sun set.
Having a peek at the warm water
I went to have a look at the Roman Baths, which were beautiful and I would have like to sit and admire them slowly given the time. Instead I checked out the main sights and absorbed some history then found a great local pub for lunch, then roamed the streets to take in as much of Bath as I could.
Looking up to Bath Abbey
I wouldn't mind going back to Bath to experience more of what it has to offer, but overall it was a great day trip from London.

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