About Me

Hey, my name's Michaela!

I love dark chocolate, large kitchens and local fruit and veg shops. I love the beach, camping by lakes and wearing my togs. I love Australia but I also love filling up my passport.

I've lived in seven different cities in Australia. Obviously my parents made most of those moving decisions. After school I moved to the Sunshine Coast for university, and I don't think I could have picked better.

I like to put my hand up for all sorts of opportunities, which landed me in the USA for a semester in my second year. The first thing you learn when you're an international student is that you instantly have friends/ free tour guides/ free couches to sleep on in a handful of other countries.

Back on home turf and in the final year of my degree, I made a really great friend who shared my love for friends in many different countries. I turned 20, graduated, and I realised settling down, having a career, a house, a mortgage, a family etc. can wait.

We bought a one way ticket to the other side of the world and just left! I'm blogging my experiences and reflections as I travel and find my place in the world as a twenty-something committed to my genuine happiness above nearly everything else.

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