14 August 2015

Seven things I miss about home

I've nearly been abroad for seven months now! My previous record was five, and I'm not going home anytime soon. My list of places I want to go keeps getting longer by the week. During my summer trip through Europe I roughly drafted a plan that could keep me from settling down for about three years! I don't know if it'll happen, as my plans and ideas often change, but I'll keep it in the back of my head for now!

I do miss home though! Because I moved so much, I just call Australia as a whole "home". Here's seven things I've missed in my seven months of being away from Down Under:

  1. My family. It goes without saying I'm a little sad every time something happens and I'm not there. I'm particularly missing my cousins as we spent most of our childhood being so far away from each other and we've all become closer the last few years now that we're getting older. I can't wait for our next cousin camping trip when I'm home!
  2. Magazines! I'm yet to find an overseas read that I completely love, and I'm convinced no one does magazines better than Australia. Even titles with international sisters like marie claire just aren't the same abroad! I miss my monthly fix of quality informative articles, glossy inspiration pages and a healthy slice of gossip.
  3. Good Australian country bakeries. Or good bakeries in general, but the ones in country towns always outshine their city counterparts. All I want is to walk into a shop that smells way too good, grab a pie or sausage roll and a lammy or slice to have after. I know, my life is hard.
  4. My personal bubble. Different cultures have different ideas of how big a person's personal bubble should be. I've learned to accept my bubble will be popped every day in London, and that's okay. But it'll be funny when I eventually go home and feel like everyone is so far away from me!
  5. My car! Sometimes a little Toyota like mine drives past me and I break down in tears* and wish it was me sitting behind the wheel accelerating around the corner, flicking between my favourite radio stations to pick the best song and patiently accepting that my front seat passenger will hit every button they can find. *dramatisation of inside feelings
  6. Australian dollars and exceptional pay rates. The first one I only miss when I'm doing currency conversions in my head of how much I just spent on a meal out, and I only miss them because I'm saying goodbye to so many of them! The second one is proof Australia really is a lucky country.
  7. Laying under the stars. I know I can do that overseas but I just haven't got a chance to yet. And living in a huge city with near-constant cloud cover makes it a bit of a challenge. There's something special about laying out and stargazing for hours, especially when you can do it any month of the year in Queensland without getting frostbite!
What do you miss when you're away from home?

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