9 March 2015

Dover Day Trip!

I recently realised I hadn't left London since moving in! Even though I still have so much to explore in the city, I was itching to get out. So I took a day off work, recruited some friends and booked a bus to the seashore!

I picked Dover thanks to a fellow travelling temp worker telling me all about his day trips. I heard the words "walking trails", "cliffs" and "I took so many photos" and knew a day trip was most definitely in order.
I love exploring natural wonders. You can spend so much time just sitting and admiring and not one second would be wasted. Plus walking trails are more-often than not free, and I'm all for free stuff.

Our day started bright and early! We left Victoria Coach Station at 7:30am for the two and a half hour trip. Of course, the train would have been quicker but the £7 fare each way with National Express really sealed the deal.

Dover Castle hates Mondays!
We took a local bus up to Dover Castle only to find out it was running winter opening times, meaning that it only opened on weekends. It looked like our exploring was off to a bad start!

We walked back down the hill and pretending to don our togs and pop into the sea for a swim. Pretend is the key word there because I still had about six layers of clothes on. I do miss our Aussie beaches though!
My first pebbly British beach!
Feeling all inspired by the seaside we hunted down some fish and chips for lunch. From what I can tell British fish and ships only differ from the Aussie version because they include a serving of peas. It seems so random to us, but it's obviously a thing here!
Cliff jumping! Photo by Stephanie Clarke
After the feed we ventured up to the famous White Cliffs of Dover. We were told we couldn't walk there because the track was closed for maintenance. By this stage we thought we had actually picked the worst day to see Dover! Once we started walking along the trails at the top though there was nothing to complain about! Even on the extremely cloudy day (not one patch of blue sky existed) it was still undeniably gorgeous.
Me and my housemate leaving our chalky mark!
Our phones thought our day trip also took us to France at certain points along the cliffs! We got a text from the provider welcoming us to France and letting us know our international roaming call and text rates!
Lebara: lol jks you're actually in France.
The day's outing finished with a walk along the Prince of Wales Pier and hot chocolate at a cafe with a view of the sea!
Bendy pier! Just kidding. Panorama.
I loved seeing all the fields and greenery on the bus trip. That and the beach rounded off a great escape from London city.
Found some blue sky and green fields halfway between Dover and London!
Bring on my next day trip! Where should I go?

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