23 February 2015

Stop making excuses, just travel

A friend of mine recently posted a photo from their travels to Facebook and someone commented on it saying they can't afford to travel. One of my housemates was just saying how her friends back home keep telling her they'll come and join her, despite the fact they probably wouldn't even look into it. Which started a discussion in the house of all of us who know people who say "I really want to travel, but..." or "wow, I wish I could do what you're doing".

Here's the thing though: you can*.

*Unless perhaps you actually can't, like your travel options are limited because of a criminal record or medical reasons. I'm not suggesting you illegally jump borders or risk your life.

"I can't travel because I'm at uni"
Look into study abroad options through your university. My study abroad semester was the greatest opportunity I signed up for. Check for scholarships that ease the costs of flights and visas, other costs should just be everyday living costs that you'd be paying at home anyway. Look for exchange programs where your tuition is waived so you avoid high international student tuition costs and still pay the same tuition you would if you were still at your campus.

"But I have a job"
I haven't loved a job more than my love for travel so it's been easy for me to quit and jump on a plane. If you actually have a job like that, congratulations! That's seriously cool! Look into if your company can help you get a transfer to another country you may want to live. If you take time off to leave your work completely will your job still be there when you get back? It's a question of working out your priorities and choosing if you want your memories to be more passport stamps over career achievements. 

"But I'll miss my friends"
And they'll miss you too. I promise you'll make more while you're away. You can always Skype home, pop into any McDonald's or Starbucks around the globe and you'll have WiFi. Don't let your friends hold you back if you really want to travel.

"I can't afford to travel"
Oh but you can afford your daily coffee? You don't have to be a millionaire to travel. I spent the past three years being a poor uni student working casual jobs and now I'm living abroad. If you can afford to eat every day of the week, pay rent and have a bit leftover for other expenses then you can budget for travel no problem at all. 

I'm lucky budgeting is something I've always had a talent for, but it's easily learned if you're motivated, committed and realistic. I would get my pay put directly into my savings account, and had an automatic transfer set up so that just enough money to cover my expenses would land in my debit card account once a week. This amount included rent, fuel and groceries, and once it was gone I'd just have to sit tight until my next "pay day" from my savings account (unless it was urgent of course).

My savings tips:
  • Food is one of the easiest areas to cut expenses for most people. Learn to cook, home brand is your friend, buy in bulk and freeze, and remember you can make anything at home cheaper than take-away or eating out.
  • Get yourself a high interest savings account. It's a little bit of effort for free money!
  • That $50 unlimited phone plan is great, but do you really need unlimited when there's a $20 plan that gives you what you would use anyway?
  • Stay motivated. If you really want to travel (or whatever your savings goal is) then in the wise words of Nike, just do it.

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