10 February 2015

I'm not famous!

Britain is the first place I've traveled to where saying "I'm from Australia" doesn't make you an instant celebrity. It's a strange feeling I have to admit. I'm used to people following the "where are you from?" question up with a dozen more about our wildlife, weather, the Hemsworth brothers or how great the Australian lifestyle is in general. But in the UK, they just don't care!

Maybe it's because they're slightly jealous they sent all their murderers and bread-thieves to one of the greatest lands on Earth. But I doubt it.

I almost feel like I shouldn't say I'm Australian, but the moment I talk I'm sure the accent gives it away! Not being famous because of my nationality alone is great though. I feel like I'm given a chance to show my worth through my own skills and personality rather than something I can't change. In a weird way I've just learnt a lesson about prejudice. 

Being Australian is awesome, but I'm no better than anyone else. It's one of the reasons why I love travel; to hear other people's stories.

Learning lessons in London

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