21 January 2015

Singapore Shenanigans!

Our journey to London took us through Singapore and Helsinki.

The first flight was with Qantas, and was probably the most enjoyable flight I've ever had, mainly due to all the food we were given! We pre-arranged special meals for our flights because Dylan is a vegetarian and I simply wanted my food the same time as him. Other than that we were offered drinks and snacks nearly every hour. We had ice cream, Malteasers and Lindt chocolate balls. Just before landing everyone had some beef sliders but because I opted for gluten free I got given a chicken toasted sandwich and it was amazingly delicious! Our two other flights with Finnair didn't quite meet the high standard Qantas had set, but were still pleasant.
I recently discovered my phone does these great panorama shots!
We had nearly an eight hour stopover in Singapore. The airport organises free tours of the city for those with a long layover, so we signed up for one of those to kill some time. The tour bus took us to the heart of the city and we were allowed to walk around the marina for about 15 minutes. It was hard to get any decent photos on the bus so I just sat back and took it all in.
It was a tropical 28 degrees but I put my jacket on so I didn't have to hold it!
Singapore is a gorgeous city! It's so green and tidy. Everything looks like it was built with so much thought. It needs to be, to fit that many people on that little island! I'd love to go back there one day to stay longer.

When we got back to the airport we visited the airport's rooftop pool. For about $13 we could swim, have a warm shower and get a drink. It was the ultimate way to stretch your legs and feel refreshed between two long-haul flights. I definitely recommend it!

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